Cauliflower Tortillas

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When looking for different things to replace gluten with, it is always helpful to go back to vegetables. Gluten-free products tend to have a lot of other fillers and sugar in them in order to achieve a more familiar taste or texture to a regular white bread. Here at the Hart Center, we made some Cauliflower tortillas. We were inspired by RecipeGirl and PaleoLeap, but we did make some changes to the ...

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Adrenal Fatigue

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Adrenal Fatigue is a syndrome that occurs when the adrenal glands are not working at the ideal levels. This leaves sufferers in a state which is over-stressed, fatigued, and generally run down.

Adrenal Fatigue can be caused by many different situations, and is often a multi-faceted problem. In order to cause adrenal fatigue, the adrenals need to be consistently activated for a period of time. This decreases the adrenal function, and results in one to many of the associated symptoms. Symptoms ...

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Slow Cooked Lamb Shoulder and Broth

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Here at the Hart Center we are always looking for ways to improve our cooking and eating habits. One of the ways we have done that is by low-temperature cooking with a slow cooker. Not only are slow cookers convenient, they also produce very tender foods. Unfortunately many slow cookers have harmful chemicals that seep into your foods.

We searched for a healthier option, and came by the VitaClay. We have been using our VitaClay for approximately 6 months now and ...

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