Brown rice is a type of rice that is closer to the original state it was at in nature. Brown rice has not had the outer bran removed, which helps to keep more fiber and nutrients in tact. However, ...
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Brown rice is a type of rice that is closer to the original state it was at in nature. Brown rice has not had the outer bran removed, which helps to keep more fiber and nutrients in tact. However, ...
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The kitchen is where a lot of our health starts, and it is imperative to make sure that before we start cooking, the materials we are using to cook are safe. Starting with your utensils is a great way to get into some better materials without committing to a costly purchase. Keep in mind the type of lifestyle you have, and soon you will know which materials will best fit your lifestyle ...
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There is much to be said about grains, but this week we will start with talking about rice. Rice is a staple for a large part of the worlds population. It is important to keep variety in the diet. Since there are so many different types of rice, don’t get stuck on one kind!
For rice as an alternative to some other grains, it is important to note that there are some major ...
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Here at the Hart Center, we understand that moving towards a healthier diet can be very challenging. During the transition, people can crave many different things, and one of the common things seem to be sweet chocolatey desserts. Inspired by Navita’s Naturals Cacao Goji Power Snacks, we came up with a delicious fudge-like chocolate dessert. These are packed full of healthy antioxidants and satisfying chocolate. Give them a try to help curb ...
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When looking for different things to replace gluten with, it is always helpful to go back to vegetables. Gluten-free products tend to have a lot of other fillers and sugar in them in order to achieve a more familiar taste or texture to a regular white bread. Here at the Hart Center, we made some Cauliflower tortillas. We were inspired by RecipeGirl and PaleoLeap, but we did make some changes to the ...
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Adrenal Fatigue is a syndrome that occurs when the adrenal glands are not working at the ideal levels. This leaves sufferers in a state which is over-stressed, fatigued, and generally run down.
Adrenal Fatigue can be caused by many different situations, and is often a multi-faceted problem. In order to cause adrenal fatigue, the adrenals need to be consistently activated for a period of time. This decreases the adrenal function, and results in one to many of the associated symptoms. Symptoms ...
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Here at the Hart Center we are always looking for ways to improve our cooking and eating habits. One of the ways we have done that is by low-temperature cooking with a slow cooker. Not only are slow cookers convenient, they also produce very tender foods. Unfortunately many slow cookers have harmful chemicals that seep into your foods.
We searched for a healthier option, and came by the VitaClay. We have been using our VitaClay for approximately 6 months now and ...
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During the winter, sometimes you cannot help but crave heavier dishes. Here at the Hart Center, pasta has been on our minds! If you are looking for a pasta replacement, or would like to try and make your classic pasta dish a bit healthier, look no further! Spiralizing veggies is one of our favorite ways to go when trying to replace your typical noodle. This week, we made butternut squash pasta, and ...
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